• Black Forest Clocks

Black Forest Clocks by Rick Ortenburger

600 Color and black and white photos with name, date, description of clocks and movements. Excellent information and histories (1700-1930) on over 32 makers and manufacturers such as mayer, Furlwangler, Badische, Hettich, Union, Lorenz, Bob, Jaheuhren, Haas, Bauerle, Maier, Werner, Wilde, Noll, Kaiser, Mauthe, Kienle, Junghans, Hamburg, Jaegler, Dold, Wehrle, Sorg, Ruth, Bruder, Villngen, Herbstreith, and more. Types of clocks: animation, flute, cuckoo, shelf, peddler, picture frame, mantels, alarm, floor, box, apostle, shield, regulator, calendar, swingers, bracket, freeswinger, wall, brass case, balloon, porcelain, keyhole, gallery, trumpeter, jockele, organ and flute, wag, animation, French style and more. Great factory photos, original catalog pages and advertisements.

268 Pages. Size 9″ x 12″
*Comes with a price guide*

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SKU: BK-148

600 Color and black and white photos with name, date, description of clocks and movements. Excellent information and histories (1700-1930) on over 32 makers and manufacturers such as Mayer, Furlwangler, Badische, Hettich, Union, Lorenz, Bob, Jaheuhren, Haas, Bauerle, Maier, Werner, Wilde, Noll, Kaiser, Mauthe, Kienle, Junghans, Hamburg, Jaegler, Dold, Wehrle, Sorg, Ruth, Bruder, Villngen, Herbstreith, and more. Types of clocks: animation, flute, cuckoo, shelf, peddler, picture frame, mantels, alarm, floor, box, apostle, shield, regulator, calendar, swingers, bracket, freeswinger, wall, brass case, balloon, porcelain, keyhole, gallery, trumpeter, jockele, organ and flute, wag, animation, French style and more. Great factory photos, original catalog pages and advertisements.

268 Pages. Size 9″ x 12″
*Comes with a price guide*

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